Intellectual Property

Patent, Copyright, Trademark

Many companies overlook what is the most valuable part of their assets, their intellectual property (IP). The term "intellectual property" collectively refers to patent, copyright, and trademark, and reflects the idea that the subject matter is the product of the mind or the intellect. Companies usually strive to make most efficient use of the tangible aspects of a business such as equipment, bank accounts and merchandise, but they often pay little attention to intangible assets, such as names, logos, and proprietary ideas. These valuable assets, if not properly managed and protected, may easily be lost.

Inventions are protected by obtaining a "patent" or taking advantage of "trade secret" laws. Names and logos are protected as "trademarks." Creative works of authorship, such as artistic and literary works are protected under "copyright" law. Other products, such as computer software, can be protected under patent, trademark and copyright laws.

ALG represents and counsels clients in procuring (obtaining) patent, copyright, and trademark. ALG also handles infringement cases in these areas. Click the above links to learn more.

It is noteworthy that IP, especially patent prosecution, is a very specialized area of law and requires the IP attoney to have a patent bar registration number and have technical background, such as engineering, chemistry, biomedical, and the like, to practice in this area. Copyright and trademark do not require a special bar admission.